New feature to share trip itineraries on LegendaryTrips!


The LegendaryTrips team is proud to announce a new feature enabling users to easily share trip itineraries. Within just a few minutes you can now create an awesome-looking page with a
 cool map showing all the different destinations you covered (or plan to cover).

How does it work?

Just go to this page and follow the instructions (you need to be logged-in):
It’s very easy but if you need help just let us know!

A few good reasons to share your trip itinerary on

  • Friends and family are often eager to discover your adventures but just sharing a few photos on Facebook doesn’t quite cut it
  •  …and when they decide to take the same trip or a similar one you get flooded with practical questions like how many pairs of socks they should pack to visit Machu Picchu!
  • Many travellers are interested in following a similar itinerary but they don’t know where to find quality information. Help them and feel good about it!
  • What goes around comes around – next time you are planning a trip, fellow LegendaryTrips’ travellers will have the best trip itineraries ready to inspire you for your next journey.

Happy tripping on!

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